Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 Cbr_aead_classClass type of an AEAD algorithm
 Cbr_aes_big_cbcdec_keysContext for AES subkeys (aes_big implementation, CBC decryption)
 Cbr_aes_big_cbcenc_keysContext for AES subkeys (aes_big implementation, CBC encryption)
 Cbr_aes_big_ctr_keysContext for AES subkeys (aes_big implementation, CTR encryption and decryption)
 Cbr_aes_big_ctrcbc_keysContext for AES subkeys (aes_big implementation, CTR encryption and decryption + CBC-MAC)
 Cbr_aes_ct64_cbcdec_keysContext for AES subkeys (aes_ct64 implementation, CBC decryption)
 Cbr_aes_ct64_cbcenc_keysContext for AES subkeys (aes_ct64 implementation, CBC encryption)
 Cbr_aes_ct64_ctr_keysContext for AES subkeys (aes_ct64 implementation, CTR encryption and decryption)
 Cbr_aes_ct64_ctrcbc_keysContext for AES subkeys (aes_ct64 implementation, CTR encryption and decryption + CBC-MAC)
 Cbr_aes_ct_cbcdec_keysContext for AES subkeys (aes_ct implementation, CBC decryption)
 Cbr_aes_ct_cbcenc_keysContext for AES subkeys (aes_ct implementation, CBC encryption)
 Cbr_aes_ct_ctr_keysContext for AES subkeys (aes_ct implementation, CTR encryption and decryption)
 Cbr_aes_ct_ctrcbc_keysContext for AES subkeys (aes_ct implementation, CTR encryption and decryption + CBC-MAC)
 Cbr_aes_gen_cbcdec_keysAggregate structure large enough to be used as context for subkeys (CBC decryption) for all AES implementations
 Cbr_aes_gen_cbcenc_keysAggregate structure large enough to be used as context for subkeys (CBC encryption) for all AES implementations
 Cbr_aes_gen_ctr_keysAggregate structure large enough to be used as context for subkeys (CTR encryption and decryption) for all AES implementations
 Cbr_aes_gen_ctrcbc_keysAggregate structure large enough to be used as context for subkeys (CTR encryption/decryption + CBC-MAC) for all AES implementations
 Cbr_aes_pwr8_cbcdec_keysContext for AES subkeys (aes_pwr8 implementation, CBC decryption)
 Cbr_aes_pwr8_cbcenc_keysContext for AES subkeys (aes_pwr8 implementation, CBC encryption)
 Cbr_aes_pwr8_ctr_keysContext for AES subkeys (aes_pwr8 implementation, CTR encryption and decryption)
 Cbr_aes_pwr8_ctrcbc_keysContext for AES subkeys (aes_pwr8 implementation, CTR encryption and decryption + CBC-MAC)
 Cbr_aes_small_cbcdec_keysContext for AES subkeys (aes_small implementation, CBC decryption)
 Cbr_aes_small_cbcenc_keysContext for AES subkeys (aes_small implementation, CBC encryption)
 Cbr_aes_small_ctr_keysContext for AES subkeys (aes_small implementation, CTR encryption and decryption)
 Cbr_aes_small_ctrcbc_keysContext for AES subkeys (aes_small implementation, CTR encryption and decryption + CBC-MAC)
 Cbr_aes_x86ni_cbcdec_keysContext for AES subkeys (aes_x86ni implementation, CBC decryption)
 Cbr_aes_x86ni_cbcenc_keysContext for AES subkeys (aes_x86ni implementation, CBC encryption)
 Cbr_aes_x86ni_ctr_keysContext for AES subkeys (aes_x86ni implementation, CTR encryption and decryption)
 Cbr_aes_x86ni_ctrcbc_keysContext for AES subkeys (aes_x86ni implementation, CTR encryption and decryption + CBC-MAC)
 Cbr_aesctr_drbg_contextContext for AESCTR_DRBG
 Cbr_block_cbcdec_classClass type for CBC decryption implementations
 Cbr_block_cbcenc_classClass type for CBC encryption implementations
 Cbr_block_ctr_classClass type for CTR encryption/decryption implementations
 Cbr_block_ctrcbc_classClass type for combined CTR and CBC-MAC implementations
 Cbr_ccm_contextContext structure for CCM
 Cbr_config_optionType for a configuration option
 Cbr_des_ct_cbcdec_keysContext for DES subkeys (des_ct implementation, CBC decryption)
 Cbr_des_ct_cbcenc_keysContext for DES subkeys (des_ct implementation, CBC encryption)
 Cbr_des_gen_cbcdec_keysAggregate structure large enough to be used as context for subkeys (CBC decryption) for all DES implementations
 Cbr_des_gen_cbcenc_keysAggregate structure large enough to be used as context for subkeys (CBC encryption) for all DES implementations
 Cbr_des_tab_cbcdec_keysContext for DES subkeys (des_tab implementation, CBC decryption)
 Cbr_des_tab_cbcenc_keysContext for DES subkeys (des_tab implementation, CBC encryption)
 Cbr_eax_contextContext structure for EAX
 Cbr_eax_stateEAX captured state
 Cbr_ec_implType for an EC implementation
 Cbr_ec_private_keyStructure for an EC private key
 Cbr_ec_public_keyStructure for an EC public key
 Cbr_gcm_contextContext structure for GCM
 Cbr_hash_classClass type for hash function implementations
 Cbr_hash_compat_contextAggregate context for configurable hash function support
 Cbr_hkdf_contextHKDF context
 Cbr_hmac_contextHMAC computation context
 Cbr_hmac_drbg_contextContext for HMAC_DRBG
 Cbr_hmac_key_contextHMAC key context
 Cbr_md5_contextMD5 context
 Cbr_md5sha1_contextMD5+SHA-1 context
 Cbr_multihash_contextMulti-hasher context structure
 Cbr_name_elementType for receiving a name element
 Cbr_pem_decoder_contextPEM decoder context
 Cbr_prng_classClass type for PRNG implementations
 Cbr_rsa_private_keyRSA private key
 Cbr_rsa_public_keyRSA public key
 Cbr_sha1_contextSHA-1 context
 Cbr_sha224_contextSHA-224 context
 Cbr_sha256_contextSHA-256 context
 Cbr_sha384_contextSHA-384 context
 Cbr_sha512_contextSHA-512 context
 Cbr_skey_decoder_contextPrivate key decoder context
 Cbr_ssl_client_certificateType for the client certificate, if requested by the server
 Cbr_ssl_client_certificate_classClass type for a certificate handler (client side)
 Cbr_ssl_client_certificate_ec_contextA single-chain EC client certificate handler
 Cbr_ssl_client_certificate_rsa_contextA single-chain RSA client certificate handler
 Cbr_ssl_client_contextContext structure for a SSL client
 Cbr_ssl_engine_contextContext structure for SSL engine
 Cbr_ssl_server_choicesType for the server policy choices, taken after analysis of the client message (ClientHello)
 Cbr_ssl_server_contextContext structure for a SSL server
 Cbr_ssl_server_policy_classClass type for a policy handler (server side)
 Cbr_ssl_server_policy_ec_contextA single-chain EC policy handler
 Cbr_ssl_server_policy_rsa_contextA single-chain RSA policy handler
 Cbr_ssl_session_cache_classClass type for a session parameter cache
 Cbr_ssl_session_cache_lruContext for a basic cache system
 Cbr_ssl_session_parametersType for session parameters, to be saved for session resumption
 Cbr_sslio_contextContext structure for the simplified SSL I/O wrapper
 Cbr_sslrec_ccm_contextContext structure for processing records with CCM
 Cbr_sslrec_chapol_contextContext structure for processing records with ChaCha20+Poly1305
 Cbr_sslrec_gcm_contextContext structure for processing records with GCM
 Cbr_sslrec_in_cbc_classRecord decryption engine class, for CBC mode
 Cbr_sslrec_in_cbc_contextContext structure for decrypting incoming records with CBC + HMAC
 Cbr_sslrec_in_ccm_classRecord decryption engine class, for CCM mode
 Cbr_sslrec_in_chapol_classRecord decryption engine class, for ChaCha20+Poly1305
 Cbr_sslrec_in_classDecryption engine for SSL
 Cbr_sslrec_in_gcm_classRecord decryption engine class, for GCM mode
 Cbr_sslrec_out_cbc_classRecord encryption engine class, for CBC mode
 Cbr_sslrec_out_cbc_contextContext structure for encrypting outgoing records with CBC + HMAC
 Cbr_sslrec_out_ccm_classRecord encryption engine class, for CCM mode
 Cbr_sslrec_out_chapol_classRecord encryption engine class, for ChaCha20+Poly1305
 Cbr_sslrec_out_classEncryption engine for SSL
 Cbr_sslrec_out_clear_contextContext for a no-encryption engine
 Cbr_sslrec_out_gcm_classRecord encryption engine class, for GCM mode
 Cbr_tls_prf_seed_chunkType for a seed chunk
 Cbr_x500_nameDistinguished Name (X.500) structure
 Cbr_x509_certificateType for an X.509 certificate (DER-encoded)
 Cbr_x509_classClass type for an X.509 engine
 Cbr_x509_decoder_contextX.509 decoder context
 Cbr_x509_knownkey_contextThe "known key" X.509 engine structure
 Cbr_x509_minimal_contextThe "minimal" X.509 engine structure
 Cbr_x509_pkeyAggregate structure for public keys
 Cbr_x509_trust_anchorTrust anchor structure