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[BearSSL] / src / x509 / x509_minimal.t0
1 \ Copyright (c) 2016 Thomas Pornin <>
2 \
3 \ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
4 \ a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
5 \ "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
6 \ without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
7 \ distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
8 \ permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
9 \ the following conditions:
10 \
11 \ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
12 \ included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
13 \
23 preamble {
25 #include "inner.h"
27 /*
28 * Implementation Notes
29 * --------------------
30 *
31 * The C code pushes the data by chunks; all decoding is done in the
32 * T0 code. The cert_length value is set to the certificate length when
33 * a new certificate is started; the T0 code picks it up as outer limit,
34 * and decoding functions use it to ensure that no attempt is made at
35 * reading past it. The T0 code also checks that once the certificate is
36 * decoded, there are no trailing bytes.
37 *
38 * The T0 code sets cert_length to 0 when the certificate is fully
39 * decoded.
40 *
41 * The C code must still perform two checks:
42 *
43 * -- If the certificate length is 0, then the T0 code will not be
44 * invoked at all. This invalid condition must thus be reported by the
45 * C code.
46 *
47 * -- When reaching the end of certificate, the C code must verify that
48 * the certificate length has been set to 0, thereby signaling that
49 * the T0 code properly decoded a certificate.
50 *
51 * Processing of a chain works in the following way:
52 *
53 * -- The error flag is set to a non-zero value when validation is
54 * finished. The value is either BR_ERR_X509_OK (validation is
55 * successful) or another non-zero error code. When a non-zero error
56 * code is obtained, the remaining bytes in the current certificate and
57 * the subsequent certificates (if any) are completely ignored.
58 *
59 * -- Each certificate is decoded in due course, with the following
60 * "interesting points":
61 *
62 * -- Start of the TBS: the multihash engine is reset and activated.
63 *
64 * -- Start of the issuer DN: the secondary hash engine is started,
65 * to process the encoded issuer DN.
66 *
67 * -- End of the issuer DN: the secondary hash engine is stopped. The
68 * resulting hash value is computed and then copied into the
69 * next_dn_hash[] buffer.
70 *
71 * -- Start of the subject DN: the secondary hash engine is started,
72 * to process the encoded subject DN.
73 *
74 * -- For the EE certificate only: the Common Name, if any, is matched
75 * against the expected server name.
76 *
77 * -- End of the subject DN: the secondary hash engine is stopped. The
78 * resulting hash value is computed into the pad. It is then processed:
79 *
80 * -- If this is the EE certificate, then the hash is ignored
81 * (except for direct trust processing, see later; the hash is
82 * simply left in current_dn_hash[]).
83 *
84 * -- Otherwise, the hashed subject DN is compared with the saved
85 * hash value (in saved_dn_hash[]). They must match.
86 *
87 * Either way, the next_dn_hash[] value is then copied into the
88 * saved_dn_hash[] value. Thus, at that point, saved_dn_hash[]
89 * contains the hash of the issuer DN for the current certificate,
90 * and current_dn_hash[] contains the hash of the subject DN for the
91 * current certificate.
92 *
93 * -- Public key: it is decoded into the cert_pkey[] buffer. Unknown
94 * key types are reported at that point.
95 *
96 * -- If this is the EE certificate, then the key type is compared
97 * with the expected key type (initialization parameter). The public
98 * key data is copied to ee_pkey_data[]. The key and hashed subject
99 * DN are also compared with the "direct trust" keys; if the key
100 * and DN are matched, then validation ends with a success.
101 *
102 * -- Otherwise, the saved signature (cert_sig[]) is verified
103 * against the saved TBS hash (tbs_hash[]) and that freshly
104 * decoded public key. Failure here ends validation with an error.
105 *
106 * -- Extensions: extension values are processed in due order.
107 *
108 * -- Basic Constraints: for all certificates except EE, must be
109 * present, indicate a CA, and have a path legnth compatible with
110 * the chain length so far.
111 *
112 * -- Key Usage: for the EE, if present, must allow signatures
113 * or encryption/key exchange, as required for the cipher suite.
114 * For non-EE, if present, must have the "certificate sign" bit.
115 *
116 * -- Subject Alt Name: for the EE, dNSName names are matched
117 * against the server name. Ignored for non-EE.
118 *
119 * -- Authority Key Identifier, Subject Key Identifier, Issuer
120 * Alt Name, Subject Directory Attributes, CRL Distribution Points
121 * Freshest CRL, Authority Info Access and Subject Info Access
122 * extensions are always ignored: they either contain only
123 * informative data, or they relate to revocation processing, which
124 * we explicitly do not support.
125 *
126 * -- All other extensions are ignored if non-critical. If a
127 * critical extension other than the ones above is encountered,
128 * then a failure is reported.
129 *
130 * -- End of the TBS: the multihash engine is stopped.
131 *
132 * -- Signature algorithm: the signature algorithm on the
133 * certificate is decoded. A failure is reported if that algorithm
134 * is unknown. The hashed TBS corresponding to the signature hash
135 * function is computed and stored in tbs_hash[] (if not supported,
136 * then a failure is reported). The hash OID and length are stored
137 * in cert_sig_hash_oid and cert_sig_hash_len.
138 *
139 * -- Signature value: the signature value is copied into the
140 * cert_sig[] array.
141 *
142 * -- Certificate end: the hashed issuer DN (saved_dn_hash[]) is
143 * looked up in the trust store (CA trust anchors only); for all
144 * that match, the signature (cert_sig[]) is verified against the
145 * anchor public key (hashed TBS is in tbs_hash[]). If one of these
146 * signatures is valid, then validation ends with a success.
147 *
148 * -- If the chain end is reached without obtaining a validation success,
149 * then validation is reported as failed.
150 */
152 #ifndef BR_USE_UNIX_TIME
153 #if defined __unix__ || defined __linux__ \
154 || defined _POSIX_SOURCE || defined _POSIX_C_SOURCE \
155 || (defined __APPLE__ && defined __MACH__)
156 #define BR_USE_UNIX_TIME 1
157 #endif
158 #endif
160 #ifndef BR_USE_WIN32_TIME
161 #if defined _WIN32 || defined _WIN64
162 #define BR_USE_WIN32_TIME 1
163 #endif
164 #endif
167 #include <time.h>
168 #endif
170 #if BR_USE_WIN32_TIME
171 #include <windows.h>
172 #endif
174 void br_x509_minimal_init_main(void *ctx);
175 void br_x509_minimal_run(void *ctx);
177 /* see bearssl_x509.h */
178 void
179 br_x509_minimal_init(br_x509_minimal_context *ctx,
180 const br_hash_class *dn_hash_impl,
181 const br_x509_trust_anchor *trust_anchors, size_t trust_anchors_num)
182 {
183 memset(ctx, 0, sizeof *ctx);
184 ctx->vtable = &br_x509_minimal_vtable;
185 ctx->dn_hash_impl = dn_hash_impl;
186 ctx->trust_anchors = trust_anchors;
187 ctx->trust_anchors_num = trust_anchors_num;
188 }
190 static void
191 xm_start_chain(const br_x509_class **ctx,
192 unsigned expected_key_type, const char *server_name)
193 {
194 br_x509_minimal_context *cc;
196 cc = (br_x509_minimal_context *)ctx;
197 memset(&cc->pkey, 0, sizeof cc->pkey);
198 cc->num_certs = 0;
199 cc->err = 0;
200 cc->cpu.dp = cc->dp_stack;
201 cc->cpu.rp = cc->rp_stack;
202 br_x509_minimal_init_main(&cc->cpu);
203 cc->expected_key_type = expected_key_type;
204 if (server_name == NULL || *server_name == 0) {
205 cc->server_name = NULL;
206 } else {
207 cc->server_name = server_name;
208 }
209 }
211 static void
212 xm_start_cert(const br_x509_class **ctx, uint32_t length)
213 {
214 br_x509_minimal_context *cc;
216 cc = (br_x509_minimal_context *)ctx;
217 if (cc->err != 0) {
218 return;
219 }
220 if (length == 0) {
221 cc->err = BR_ERR_X509_TRUNCATED;
222 return;
223 }
224 cc->cert_length = length;
225 }
227 static void
228 xm_append(const br_x509_class **ctx, const unsigned char *buf, size_t len)
229 {
230 br_x509_minimal_context *cc;
232 cc = (br_x509_minimal_context *)ctx;
233 if (cc->err != 0) {
234 return;
235 }
236 cc->hbuf = buf;
237 cc->hlen = len;
238 br_x509_minimal_run(&cc->cpu);
239 }
241 static void
242 xm_end_cert(const br_x509_class **ctx)
243 {
244 br_x509_minimal_context *cc;
246 cc = (br_x509_minimal_context *)ctx;
247 if (cc->err == 0 && cc->cert_length != 0) {
248 cc->err = BR_ERR_X509_TRUNCATED;
249 }
250 cc->num_certs ++;
251 }
253 static unsigned
254 xm_end_chain(const br_x509_class **ctx)
255 {
256 br_x509_minimal_context *cc;
258 cc = (br_x509_minimal_context *)ctx;
259 if (cc->err == 0) {
260 if (cc->num_certs == 0) {
261 cc->err = BR_ERR_X509_EMPTY_CHAIN;
262 } else {
263 cc->err = BR_ERR_X509_NOT_TRUSTED;
264 }
265 } else if (cc->err == BR_ERR_X509_OK) {
266 return 0;
267 }
268 return (unsigned)cc->err;
269 }
271 static const br_x509_pkey *
272 xm_get_pkey(const br_x509_class *const *ctx)
273 {
274 br_x509_minimal_context *cc;
276 cc = (br_x509_minimal_context *)ctx;
277 if (cc->err == BR_ERR_X509_OK
278 || cc->err == BR_ERR_X509_NOT_TRUSTED)
279 {
280 return &((br_x509_minimal_context *)ctx)->pkey;
281 } else {
282 return NULL;
283 }
284 }
286 /* see bearssl_x509.h */
287 const br_x509_class br_x509_minimal_vtable = {
288 sizeof(br_x509_minimal_context),
289 xm_start_chain,
290 xm_start_cert,
291 xm_append,
292 xm_end_cert,
293 xm_end_chain,
294 xm_get_pkey
295 };
297 #define CTX ((br_x509_minimal_context *)((unsigned char *)t0ctx - offsetof(br_x509_minimal_context, cpu)))
298 #define CONTEXT_NAME br_x509_minimal_context
300 #define DNHASH_LEN ((CTX->dn_hash_impl->desc >> BR_HASHDESC_OUT_OFF) & BR_HASHDESC_OUT_MASK)
302 /*
303 * Hash a DN (from a trust anchor) into the provided buffer. This uses the
304 * DN hash implementation and context structure from the X.509 engine
305 * context.
306 */
307 static void
308 hash_dn(br_x509_minimal_context *ctx, const void *dn, size_t len,
309 unsigned char *out)
310 {
311 ctx->dn_hash_impl->init(&ctx->dn_hash.vtable);
312 ctx->dn_hash_impl->update(&ctx->dn_hash.vtable, dn, len);
313 ctx->dn_hash_impl->out(&ctx->dn_hash.vtable, out);
314 }
316 /*
317 * Compare two big integers for equality. The integers use unsigned big-endian
318 * encoding; extra leading bytes (of value 0) are allowed.
319 */
320 static int
321 eqbigint(const unsigned char *b1, size_t len1,
322 const unsigned char *b2, size_t len2)
323 {
324 while (len1 > 0 && *b1 == 0) {
325 b1 ++;
326 len1 --;
327 }
328 while (len2 > 0 && *b2 == 0) {
329 b2 ++;
330 len2 --;
331 }
332 if (len1 != len2) {
333 return 0;
334 }
335 return memcmp(b1, b2, len1) == 0;
336 }
338 /*
339 * Verify the signature on the certificate with the provided public key.
340 * This function checks the public key type with regards to the expected
341 * type. Returned value is either 0 on success, or a non-zero error code.
342 */
343 static int
344 verify_signature(br_x509_minimal_context *ctx, const br_x509_pkey *pk)
345 {
346 int kt;
348 kt = ctx->cert_signer_key_type;
349 if ((pk->key_type & 0x0F) != kt) {
350 return BR_ERR_X509_WRONG_KEY_TYPE;
351 }
352 switch (kt) {
353 unsigned char tmp[64];
355 case BR_KEYTYPE_RSA:
356 if (ctx->irsa == 0) {
357 return BR_ERR_X509_UNSUPPORTED;
358 }
359 if (!ctx->irsa(ctx->cert_sig, ctx->cert_sig_len,
360 &t0_datablock[ctx->cert_sig_hash_oid],
361 ctx->cert_sig_hash_len, &pk->key.rsa, tmp))
362 {
363 return BR_ERR_X509_BAD_SIGNATURE;
364 }
365 if (memcmp(ctx->tbs_hash, tmp, ctx->cert_sig_hash_len) != 0) {
366 return BR_ERR_X509_BAD_SIGNATURE;
367 }
368 return 0;
370 case BR_KEYTYPE_EC:
371 if (ctx->iecdsa == 0) {
372 return BR_ERR_X509_UNSUPPORTED;
373 }
374 if (!ctx->iecdsa(ctx->iec, ctx->tbs_hash,
375 ctx->cert_sig_hash_len, &pk->,
376 ctx->cert_sig, ctx->cert_sig_len))
377 {
378 return BR_ERR_X509_BAD_SIGNATURE;
379 }
380 return 0;
382 default:
383 return BR_ERR_X509_UNSUPPORTED;
384 }
385 }
387 /*
388 * Compare two strings for equality, in a case-insensitive way. This
389 * function handles casing only for ASCII letters.
390 */
391 static int
392 eqnocase(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t len)
393 {
394 const unsigned char *buf1, *buf2;
396 buf1 = s1;
397 buf2 = s2;
398 while (len -- > 0) {
399 int x1, x2;
401 x1 = *buf1 ++;
402 x2 = *buf2 ++;
403 if (x1 >= 'A' && x1 <= 'Z') {
404 x1 += 'a' - 'A';
405 }
406 if (x2 >= 'A' && x2 <= 'Z') {
407 x2 += 'a' - 'A';
408 }
409 if (x1 != x2) {
410 return 0;
411 }
412 }
413 return 1;
414 }
416 }
418 cc: read8-low ( -- x ) {
419 if (CTX->hlen == 0) {
420 T0_PUSHi(-1);
421 } else {
422 unsigned char x = *CTX->hbuf ++;
423 if (CTX->do_mhash) {
424 br_multihash_update(&CTX->mhash, &x, 1);
425 }
426 if (CTX->do_dn_hash) {
427 CTX->dn_hash_impl->update(&CTX->dn_hash.vtable, &x, 1);
428 }
429 CTX->hlen --;
430 T0_PUSH(x);
431 }
432 }
434 addr: cert_length
435 addr: num_certs
437 cc: read-blob-inner ( addr len -- addr len ) {
438 uint32_t len = T0_POP();
439 uint32_t addr = T0_POP();
440 size_t clen = CTX->hlen;
441 if (clen > len) {
442 clen = (size_t)len;
443 }
444 if (addr != 0) {
445 memcpy((unsigned char *)CTX + addr, CTX->hbuf, clen);
446 }
447 if (CTX->do_mhash) {
448 br_multihash_update(&CTX->mhash, CTX->hbuf, clen);
449 }
450 if (CTX->do_dn_hash) {
451 CTX->dn_hash_impl->update(
452 &CTX->dn_hash.vtable, CTX->hbuf, clen);
453 }
454 CTX->hbuf += clen;
455 CTX->hlen -= clen;
456 T0_PUSH(addr + clen);
457 T0_PUSH(len - clen);
458 }
460 \ Compute the TBS hash, using the provided hash ID. The hash value is
461 \ written in the tbs_hash[] array, and the hash length is returned. If
462 \ the requested hash function is not supported, then 0 is returned.
463 cc: compute-tbs-hash ( id -- hashlen ) {
464 int id = T0_POPi();
465 size_t len;
466 len = br_multihash_out(&CTX->mhash, id, CTX->tbs_hash);
467 T0_PUSH(len);
468 }
470 \ Push true (-1) if no server name is expected in the EE certificate.
471 cc: zero-server-name ( -- bool ) {
472 T0_PUSHi(-(CTX->server_name == NULL));
473 }
475 addr: expected_key_type
476 addr: cert_sig
477 addr: cert_sig_len
478 addr: cert_signer_key_type
479 addr: cert_sig_hash_oid
480 addr: cert_sig_hash_len
481 addr: tbs_hash
482 addr: min_rsa_size
484 \ Start TBS hash computation. The hash functions are reinitialised.
485 cc: start-tbs-hash ( -- ) {
486 br_multihash_init(&CTX->mhash);
487 CTX->do_mhash = 1;
488 }
490 \ Stop TBS hash computation.
491 cc: stop-tbs-hash ( -- ) {
492 CTX->do_mhash = 0;
493 }
495 \ Start DN hash computation.
496 cc: start-dn-hash ( -- ) {
497 CTX->dn_hash_impl->init(&CTX->dn_hash.vtable);
498 CTX->do_dn_hash = 1;
499 }
501 \ Terminate DN hash computation and write the DN hash into the
502 \ current_dn_hash buffer.
503 cc: compute-dn-hash ( -- ) {
504 CTX->dn_hash_impl->out(&CTX->dn_hash.vtable, CTX->current_dn_hash);
505 CTX->do_dn_hash = 0;
506 }
508 \ Get the length of hash values obtained with the DN hasher.
509 cc: dn-hash-length ( -- len ) {
511 }
513 \ Copy data between two areas in the context.
514 cc: blobcopy ( addr-dst addr-src len -- ) {
515 size_t len = T0_POP();
516 unsigned char *src = (unsigned char *)CTX + T0_POP();
517 unsigned char *dst = (unsigned char *)CTX + T0_POP();
518 memcpy(dst, src, len);
519 }
521 addr: current_dn_hash
522 addr: next_dn_hash
523 addr: saved_dn_hash
525 \ Read a DN. The normalized DN hash is computed and stored in the
526 \ current_dn_hash. The Common Name is also extracted to the pad, if
527 \ it is present and small enough (255 bytes at most); the CN length is
528 \ then written in pad[0]. If these conditions are not met, then pad[0]
529 \ is set to 0.
530 : read-DN ( lim -- lim )
531 \ Activate DN hashing.
532 start-dn-hash
534 \ Prepare pad.
535 0 addr-pad set8
537 \ Parse the DN structure: it is a SEQUENCE of SET of
538 \ AttributeTypeAndValue. Each AttributeTypeAndValue is a
540 read-sequence-open
541 begin
542 dup while
544 read-tag 0x11 check-tag-constructed read-length-open-elt
545 dup ifnot ERR_X509_BAD_DN fail then
546 begin
547 dup while
549 read-sequence-open
550 \ We want to recognize the OID for Common Name,
551 \ but we don't want to use read-OID because we
552 \ need to preserve the pad contents. Instead, we
553 \ use the fact that the encoding for the value of
554 \ id-at-commonName is 55 04 03 (three bytes).
555 read-tag 0x06 check-tag-primitive read-length-open-elt
556 dup 3 = if
557 read8 16 << { tmp }
558 read8 8 << tmp + >tmp
559 read8 tmp +
560 0x550403 = { isCN }
561 then
562 skip-close-elt
564 \ If this is a Common Name, then we want to copy
565 \ it to the pad, but only if it uses a mono-byte
566 \ encoding (Printable, Teletex or UTF-8).
567 isCN if
568 read-tag
569 dup dup 0x0C = swap 0x13 = or swap 0x14 = or if
570 check-primitive
571 read-small-value drop
572 close-elt
573 else
574 drop
575 0 addr-pad set8
576 skip-close-elt
577 then
578 else
579 skip-close-elt
580 then
581 repeat
582 close-elt
583 repeat
584 close-elt
586 \ Compute DN hash and deactivate DN hashing.
587 compute-dn-hash ;
589 \ Get the validation date and time from the context or system.
590 cc: get-system-date ( -- days seconds ) {
591 if (CTX->days == 0 && CTX->seconds == 0) {
593 time_t x = time(NULL);
595 T0_PUSH((uint32_t)(x / 86400) + 719528);
596 T0_PUSH((uint32_t)(x % 86400));
597 #elif BR_USE_WIN32_TIME
598 FILETIME ft;
599 uint64_t x;
601 GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft);
602 x = ((uint64_t)ft.dwHighDateTime << 32)
603 + (uint64_t)ft.dwLowDateTime;
604 x = (x / 10000000);
605 T0_PUSH((uint32_t)(x / 86400) + 584754);
606 T0_PUSH((uint32_t)(x % 86400));
607 #else
608 CTX->err = BR_ERR_X509_TIME_UNKNOWN;
609 T0_CO();
610 #endif
611 } else {
612 T0_PUSH(CTX->days);
613 T0_PUSH(CTX->seconds);
614 }
615 }
617 \ Compare two dates (days+seconds) together.
618 : before ( days1 seconds1 days2 seconds2 -- bool )
619 { d1 s1 d2 s2 }
620 d1 d2 = if s1 s2 < else d1 d2 < then ;
622 : after ( days1 seconds1 days2 seconds2 -- bool )
623 swap2 before ;
625 \ Swap the top two elements with the two elements immediately below.
626 : swap2 ( a b c d -- c d a b )
627 3 roll 3 roll ;
629 \ Match the name in the pad with the expected server name. Returned value
630 \ is true (-1) on match, false (0) otherwise. If there is no expected
631 \ server name, then 0 is returned.
632 \ Match conditions: either an exact match (case insensitive), or a
633 \ wildcard match, if the found name starts with "*.". We only match a
634 \ starting wildcard, and only against a complete DN name component.
635 cc: match-server-name ( -- bool ) {
636 size_t n1, n2;
638 if (CTX->server_name == NULL) {
639 T0_PUSH(0);
640 T0_RET();
641 }
642 n1 = strlen(CTX->server_name);
643 n2 = CTX->pad[0];
644 if (n1 == n2 && eqnocase(&CTX->pad[1], CTX->server_name, n1)) {
645 T0_PUSHi(-1);
646 T0_RET();
647 }
648 if (n2 >= 2 && CTX->pad[1] == '*' && CTX->pad[2] == '.') {
649 size_t u;
651 u = 0;
652 while (u < n1 && CTX->server_name[u] != '.') {
653 u ++;
654 }
655 u ++;
656 n1 -= u;
657 if ((n2 - 2) == n1
658 && eqnocase(&CTX->pad[3], CTX->server_name + u, n1))
659 {
660 T0_PUSHi(-1);
661 T0_RET();
662 }
663 }
664 T0_PUSH(0);
665 }
667 \ Get the address and length for the pkey_data buffer.
668 : addr-len-pkey_data ( -- addr len )
669 CX 0 8191 { offsetof(br_x509_minimal_context, pkey_data) }
670 CX 0 8191 { BR_X509_BUFSIZE_KEY } ;
672 \ Copy the EE public key to the permanent buffer (RSA).
673 cc: copy-ee-rsa-pkey ( nlen elen -- ) {
674 size_t elen = T0_POP();
675 size_t nlen = T0_POP();
676 memcpy(CTX->ee_pkey_data, CTX->pkey_data, nlen + elen);
677 CTX->pkey.key_type = BR_KEYTYPE_RSA;
678 CTX->pkey.key.rsa.n = CTX->ee_pkey_data;
679 CTX->pkey.key.rsa.nlen = nlen;
680 CTX->pkey.key.rsa.e = CTX->ee_pkey_data + nlen;
681 CTX->pkey.key.rsa.elen = elen;
682 }
684 \ Copy the EE public key to the permanent buffer (EC).
685 cc: copy-ee-ec-pkey ( curve qlen -- ) {
686 size_t qlen = T0_POP();
687 uint32_t curve = T0_POP();
688 memcpy(CTX->ee_pkey_data, CTX->pkey_data, qlen);
689 CTX->pkey.key_type = BR_KEYTYPE_EC;
690 CTX-> = curve;
691 CTX-> = CTX->ee_pkey_data;
692 CTX-> = qlen;
693 }
695 \ Check whether the current certificate (EE) is directly trusted.
696 cc: check-direct-trust ( -- ) {
697 size_t u;
699 for (u = 0; u < CTX->trust_anchors_num; u ++) {
700 const br_x509_trust_anchor *ta;
701 unsigned char hashed_DN[64];
702 int kt;
704 ta = &CTX->trust_anchors[u];
705 if (ta->flags & BR_X509_TA_CA) {
706 continue;
707 }
708 hash_dn(CTX, ta->dn, ta->dn_len, hashed_DN);
709 if (memcmp(hashed_DN, CTX->current_dn_hash, DNHASH_LEN)) {
710 continue;
711 }
712 kt = CTX->pkey.key_type;
713 if ((ta->pkey.key_type & 0x0F) != kt) {
714 continue;
715 }
716 switch (kt) {
718 case BR_KEYTYPE_RSA:
719 if (!eqbigint(CTX->pkey.key.rsa.n,
720 CTX->pkey.key.rsa.nlen,
721 ta->pkey.key.rsa.n,
722 ta->pkey.key.rsa.nlen)
723 || !eqbigint(CTX->pkey.key.rsa.e,
724 CTX->pkey.key.rsa.elen,
725 ta->pkey.key.rsa.e,
726 ta->pkey.key.rsa.elen))
727 {
728 continue;
729 }
730 break;
732 case BR_KEYTYPE_EC:
733 if (CTX-> != ta->
734 || CTX-> != ta->
735 || memcmp(CTX->,
736 ta->,
737 ta-> != 0)
738 {
739 continue;
740 }
741 break;
743 default:
744 continue;
745 }
747 /*
748 * Direct trust match!
749 */
750 CTX->err = BR_ERR_X509_OK;
751 T0_CO();
752 }
753 }
755 \ Check the signature on the certificate with regards to all trusted CA.
756 \ We use the issuer hash (in saved_dn_hash[]) as CA identifier.
757 cc: check-trust-anchor-CA ( -- ) {
758 size_t u;
760 for (u = 0; u < CTX->trust_anchors_num; u ++) {
761 const br_x509_trust_anchor *ta;
762 unsigned char hashed_DN[64];
764 ta = &CTX->trust_anchors[u];
765 if (!(ta->flags & BR_X509_TA_CA)) {
766 continue;
767 }
768 hash_dn(CTX, ta->dn, ta->dn_len, hashed_DN);
769 if (memcmp(hashed_DN, CTX->saved_dn_hash, DNHASH_LEN)) {
770 continue;
771 }
772 if (verify_signature(CTX, &ta->pkey) == 0) {
773 CTX->err = BR_ERR_X509_OK;
774 T0_CO();
775 }
776 }
777 }
779 \ Verify RSA signature. This uses the public key that was just decoded
780 \ into CTX->pkey_data; the modulus and exponent length are provided as
781 \ parameters. The resulting hash value is compared with the one in
782 \ tbs_hash. Returned value is 0 on success, or a non-zero error code.
783 cc: do-rsa-vrfy ( nlen elen -- err ) {
784 size_t elen = T0_POP();
785 size_t nlen = T0_POP();
786 br_x509_pkey pk;
788 pk.key_type = BR_KEYTYPE_RSA;
789 pk.key.rsa.n = CTX->pkey_data;
790 pk.key.rsa.nlen = nlen;
791 pk.key.rsa.e = CTX->pkey_data + nlen;
792 pk.key.rsa.elen = elen;
793 T0_PUSH(verify_signature(CTX, &pk));
794 }
796 \ Verify ECDSA signature. This uses the public key that was just decoded
797 \ into CTX->pkey_dayta; the curve ID and public point length are provided
798 \ as parameters. The hash value in tbs_hash is used. Returned value is 0
799 \ on success, or non-zero error code.
800 cc: do-ecdsa-vrfy ( curve qlen -- err ) {
801 size_t qlen = T0_POP();
802 int curve = T0_POP();
803 br_x509_pkey pk;
805 pk.key_type = BR_KEYTYPE_EC;
806 = curve;
807 = CTX->pkey_data;
808 = qlen;
809 T0_PUSH(verify_signature(CTX, &pk));
810 }
812 cc: print-bytes ( addr len -- ) {
813 extern int printf(const char *fmt, ...);
814 size_t len = T0_POP();
815 unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *)CTX + T0_POP();
816 size_t u;
818 for (u = 0; u < len; u ++) {
819 printf("%02X", buf[u]);
820 }
821 }
823 cc: printOID ( -- ) {
824 extern int printf(const char *fmt, ...);
825 size_t u, len;
827 len = CTX->pad[0];
828 if (len == 0) {
829 printf("*");
830 T0_RET();
831 }
832 printf("%u.%u", CTX->pad[1] / 40, CTX->pad[1] % 40);
833 u = 2;
834 while (u <= len) {
835 unsigned long ul;
837 ul = 0;
838 for (;;) {
839 int x;
841 if (u > len) {
842 printf("BAD");
843 T0_RET();
844 }
845 x = CTX->pad[u ++];
846 ul = (ul << 7) + (x & 0x7F);
847 if (!(x & 0x80)) {
848 break;
849 }
850 }
851 printf(".%lu", ul);
852 }
853 }
855 \ Extensions with specific processing.
856 OID: basicConstraints
857 OID: keyUsage
858 OID: subjectAltName
860 \ Extensions which are ignored when encountered, even if critical.
861 OID: authorityKeyIdentifier
862 OID: subjectKeyIdentifier
863 OID: issuerAltName
864 OID: subjectDirectoryAttributes
865 OID: crlDistributionPoints
866 OID: freshestCRL
867 OID: authorityInfoAccess
868 OID: subjectInfoAccess
870 \ Process a Basic Constraints extension. This should be called only if
871 \ the certificate is not the EE. We check that the extension contains
872 \ the "CA" flag, and that the path length, if specified, is compatible
873 \ with the current chain length.
874 : process-basicConstraints ( lim -- lim )
875 read-sequence-open
876 read-tag-or-end
877 dup 0x01 = if
878 read-boolean ifnot ERR_X509_NOT_CA fail then
879 read-tag-or-end
880 else
881 ERR_X509_NOT_CA fail
882 then
883 dup 0x02 = if
884 drop check-primitive read-small-int-value
885 addr-num_certs get32 1- < if ERR_X509_NOT_CA fail then
886 read-tag-or-end
887 then
888 -1 <> if ERR_X509_UNEXPECTED fail then
889 drop
890 close-elt
891 ;
893 \ Process a Key Usage extension.
894 \ For the EE certificate:
895 \ -- if the expected key usage is "key exchange", then the extension
896 \ must contain either keyEncipherment (2) or dataEncipherment (3);
897 \ -- if the expected key usage is "signature", then the extension
898 \ must contain either digitalSignature (0) or nonRepudiation (1).
899 \ For CA certificates, the extension must contain keyCertSign (5).
900 : process-keyUsage ( lim ee -- lim )
901 \ Compute flags, depending on EE status and expected key usage.
902 \ This is a mask of bits in the first byte.
903 if
904 addr-expected_key_type get8 0x10 and if 0x30 else 0xC0 then
905 else
906 0x04
907 then
908 { mask }
909 \ Read tag for the BIT STRING and open it.
910 read-tag 0x03 check-tag-primitive
911 read-length-open-elt
912 \ First byte indicates number of ignored bits in the last byte. It
913 \ must be between 0 and 7.
914 read8 { ign }
915 ign 7 > if ERR_X509_UNEXPECTED fail then
916 \ Depending on length, we have either 0, 1 or more bytes to read.
917 dup case
918 0 of ERR_X509_FORBIDDEN_KEY_USAGE fail endof
919 1 of read8 ign >> ign << endof
920 drop read8 0
921 endcase
922 mask and ifnot ERR_X509_FORBIDDEN_KEY_USAGE fail then
923 skip-close-elt ;
925 \ Process a Subject Alt Name extension. Returned value is a boolean set
926 \ to true if the expected server name was matched against a dNSName in
927 \ the extension.
928 : process-SAN ( lim -- lim bool )
929 0 { m }
930 read-sequence-open
931 begin dup while
932 \ We check only names of type dNSName; they use IA5String,
933 \ which is basically ASCII.
934 read-tag 0x22 = if
935 check-primitive
936 read-small-value drop
937 match-server-name m or >m
938 else
939 drop read-length-skip
940 then
941 repeat
942 close-elt
943 m ;
945 \ Decode a certificate. The "ee" boolean must be true for the EE.
946 : decode-certificate ( ee -- )
947 { ee }
949 \ Obtain the total certificate length.
950 addr-cert_length get32
952 \ Open the outer SEQUENCE.
953 read-sequence-open
955 \ TBS
956 \ Activate hashing.
957 start-tbs-hash
958 read-sequence-open
960 \ First element may be an explicit version. We accept only
961 \ versions 0 to 2 (certificates v1 to v3).
962 read-tag dup 0x20 = if
963 drop check-constructed read-length-open-elt
964 read-tag
965 0x02 check-tag-primitive
966 read-small-int-value
967 2 > if ERR_X509_UNSUPPORTED fail then
968 close-elt
969 read-tag
970 then
972 \ Serial number. We just check that the tag is correct.
973 0x02 check-tag-primitive
974 read-length-skip
976 \ Signature algorithm. This structure is redundant with the one
977 \ on the outside; we just skip it.
978 read-sequence-open skip-close-elt
980 \ Issuer name: hashed, then copied into next_dn_hash[].
981 read-DN
982 addr-next_dn_hash addr-current_dn_hash dn-hash-length blobcopy
984 \ Validity dates.
985 read-sequence-open
986 read-date get-system-date after if ERR_X509_EXPIRED fail then
987 read-date get-system-date before if ERR_X509_EXPIRED fail then
988 close-elt
990 \ Subject name.
991 read-DN
992 ee if
993 \ For the EE, we must check whether the Common Name, if
994 \ any, matches the expected server name.
995 match-server-name { eename }
996 else
997 \ For a non-EE certificate, the hashed subject DN must match
998 \ the saved hashed issuer DN from the previous certificate.
999 addr-current_dn_hash addr-saved_dn_hash dn-hash-length eqblob
1000 ifnot ERR_X509_DN_MISMATCH fail then
1001 then
1002 \ Move the hashed issuer DN for this certificate into the
1003 \ saved_dn_hash[] array.
1004 addr-saved_dn_hash addr-next_dn_hash dn-hash-length blobcopy
1006 \ Public Key.
1007 read-sequence-open
1008 \ Algorithm Identifier. Right now we are only interested in the
1009 \ OID, since we only support RSA keys.
1010 read-sequence-open
1011 read-OID ifnot ERR_X509_UNSUPPORTED fail then
1012 { ; pkey-type }
1013 choice
1014 \ RSA public key.
1015 rsaEncryption eqOID uf
1016 skip-close-elt
1017 \ Public key itself: the BIT STRING contains bytes
1018 \ (no partial byte) and these bytes encode the
1019 \ actual value.
1020 read-bits-open
1021 \ RSA public key is a SEQUENCE of two
1022 \ INTEGER. We get both INTEGER values into
1023 \ the pkey_data[] buffer, if they fit.
1024 read-sequence-open
1025 addr-len-pkey_data
1026 read-integer { nlen }
1027 addr-len-pkey_data swap nlen + swap nlen -
1028 read-integer { elen }
1029 close-elt
1031 \ Check that the public key fits our minimal
1032 \ size requirements. Note that the integer
1033 \ decoder already skipped the leading bytes
1034 \ of value 0, so we are working on the true
1035 \ modulus length here.
1036 addr-min_rsa_size get16 128 + nlen > if
1037 ERR_X509_WEAK_PUBLIC_KEY fail
1038 then
1039 close-elt
1040 KEYTYPE_RSA >pkey-type
1041 enduf
1043 \ EC public key.
1044 id-ecPublicKey eqOID uf
1045 \ We support only named curves, for which the
1046 \ "parameters" field in the AlgorithmIdentifier
1047 \ field should be an OID.
1048 read-OID ifnot ERR_X509_UNSUPPORTED fail then
1049 choice
1050 ansix9p256r1 eqOID uf 23 enduf
1051 ansix9p384r1 eqOID uf 24 enduf
1052 ansix9p521r1 eqOID uf 25 enduf
1053 ERR_X509_UNSUPPORTED fail
1054 endchoice
1055 { curve }
1056 close-elt
1057 read-bits-open
1058 dup { qlen }
1059 dup addr-len-pkey_data rot < if
1061 then
1062 read-blob
1063 KEYTYPE_EC >pkey-type
1064 enduf
1066 \ Not a recognised public key type.
1067 ERR_X509_UNSUPPORTED fail
1068 endchoice
1069 close-elt
1071 \ Process public key.
1072 ee if
1073 \ For the EE certificate, check that the key type
1074 \ matches that which was expected, then copy the
1075 \ data to the relevant buffer.
1076 addr-expected_key_type get8 0x0F and
1077 dup if
1078 pkey-type = ifnot ERR_X509_WRONG_KEY_TYPE fail then
1079 else
1080 drop
1081 then
1082 pkey-type case
1083 KEYTYPE_RSA of nlen elen copy-ee-rsa-pkey endof
1084 KEYTYPE_EC of curve qlen copy-ee-ec-pkey endof
1085 ERR_X509_UNSUPPORTED fail
1086 endcase
1087 else
1088 \ Verify signature on previous certificate. We invoke
1089 \ the RSA implementation.
1090 pkey-type case
1091 KEYTYPE_RSA of nlen elen do-rsa-vrfy endof
1092 KEYTYPE_EC of curve qlen do-ecdsa-vrfy endof
1093 ERR_X509_UNSUPPORTED fail
1094 endcase
1095 dup if fail then
1096 drop
1097 then
1099 \ This flag will be set to true if the Basic Constraints extension
1100 \ is encountered.
1101 0 { seenBC }
1103 \ Skip issuerUniqueID and subjectUniqueID, and process extensions
1104 \ if present. Extensions are an explicit context tag of value 3
1105 \ around a SEQUENCE OF extensions. Each extension is a SEQUENCE
1106 \ with an OID, an optional boolean, and a value; the value is
1107 \ an OCTET STRING.
1108 read-tag-or-end
1109 0x21 iftag-skip
1110 0x22 iftag-skip
1111 dup 0x23 = if
1112 drop
1113 check-constructed read-length-open-elt
1114 read-sequence-open
1115 begin dup while
1116 0 { critical }
1117 read-sequence-open
1118 read-OID drop
1119 read-tag dup 0x01 = if
1120 read-boolean >critical
1121 read-tag
1122 then
1123 0x04 check-tag-primitive read-length-open-elt
1124 choice
1125 \ Extensions with specific processing.
1126 basicConstraints eqOID uf
1127 ee if
1128 skip-remaining
1129 else
1130 process-basicConstraints
1131 -1 >seenBC
1132 then
1133 enduf
1134 keyUsage eqOID uf
1135 ee process-keyUsage
1136 enduf
1137 subjectAltName eqOID uf
1138 ee if
1139 0 >eename
1140 process-SAN >eename
1141 else
1142 skip-remaining
1143 then
1144 enduf
1146 \ Extensions which are always ignored,
1147 \ even if critical.
1148 authorityKeyIdentifier eqOID uf
1149 skip-remaining
1150 enduf
1151 subjectKeyIdentifier eqOID uf
1152 skip-remaining
1153 enduf
1154 issuerAltName eqOID uf
1155 skip-remaining
1156 enduf
1157 subjectDirectoryAttributes eqOID uf
1158 skip-remaining
1159 enduf
1160 crlDistributionPoints eqOID uf
1161 skip-remaining
1162 enduf
1163 freshestCRL eqOID uf
1164 skip-remaining
1165 enduf
1166 authorityInfoAccess eqOID uf
1167 skip-remaining
1168 enduf
1169 subjectInfoAccess eqOID uf
1170 skip-remaining
1171 enduf
1173 \ Unrecognized extensions trigger a failure
1174 \ if critical; otherwise, they are just
1175 \ ignored.
1176 critical if
1178 then
1179 skip-remaining
1180 endchoice
1181 close-elt
1182 close-elt
1183 repeat
1184 close-elt
1185 close-elt
1186 else
1187 -1 = ifnot ERR_X509_UNEXPECTED fail then
1188 drop
1189 then
1191 close-elt
1192 \ Terminate hashing.
1193 stop-tbs-hash
1195 \ For the EE certificate, verify that the intended server name
1196 \ was matched.
1197 ee if
1198 eename zero-server-name or ifnot
1199 ERR_X509_BAD_SERVER_NAME fail
1200 then
1201 then
1203 \ If this is the EE certificate, then direct trust may apply.
1204 \ Note: we do this at this point, not immediately after decoding
1205 \ the public key, because even in case of direct trust we still
1206 \ want to check the server name with regards to the SAN extension.
1207 \ However, we want to check direct trust before trying to decode
1208 \ the signature algorithm, because it should work even if that
1209 \ algorithm is not supported.
1210 ee if check-direct-trust then
1212 \ Non-EE certificates MUST have a Basic Constraints extension
1213 \ (that marks them as being CA).
1214 ee seenBC or ifnot ERR_X509_NOT_CA fail then
1216 \ signature algorithm
1217 read-tag check-sequence read-length-open-elt
1218 \ Read and understand the OID. Right now, we support only
1219 \ RSA with PKCS#1 v1.5 padding, and hash functions SHA-1,
1220 \ SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512. We purposely do NOT
1221 \ support MD5 here.
1222 \ TODO: add support for RSA/PSS
1223 read-OID if
1224 \ Based on the signature OID, we get:
1225 \ -- the signing key type
1226 \ -- the hash function numeric identifier
1227 \ -- the hash function OID
1228 choice
1229 sha1WithRSAEncryption eqOID
1230 uf 2 KEYTYPE_RSA id-sha1 enduf
1231 sha224WithRSAEncryption eqOID
1232 uf 3 KEYTYPE_RSA id-sha224 enduf
1233 sha256WithRSAEncryption eqOID
1234 uf 4 KEYTYPE_RSA id-sha256 enduf
1235 sha384WithRSAEncryption eqOID
1236 uf 5 KEYTYPE_RSA id-sha384 enduf
1237 sha512WithRSAEncryption eqOID
1238 uf 6 KEYTYPE_RSA id-sha512 enduf
1240 ecdsa-with-SHA1 eqOID
1241 uf 2 KEYTYPE_EC id-sha1 enduf
1242 ecdsa-with-SHA224 eqOID
1243 uf 3 KEYTYPE_EC id-sha224 enduf
1244 ecdsa-with-SHA256 eqOID
1245 uf 4 KEYTYPE_EC id-sha256 enduf
1246 ecdsa-with-SHA384 eqOID
1247 uf 5 KEYTYPE_EC id-sha384 enduf
1248 ecdsa-with-SHA512 eqOID
1249 uf 6 KEYTYPE_EC id-sha512 enduf
1250 ERR_X509_UNSUPPORTED fail
1251 endchoice
1252 addr-cert_sig_hash_oid set16
1253 addr-cert_signer_key_type set8
1255 \ Compute the TBS hash into tbs_hash.
1256 compute-tbs-hash
1257 dup ifnot ERR_X509_UNSUPPORTED fail then
1258 addr-cert_sig_hash_len set8
1259 else
1260 ERR_X509_UNSUPPORTED fail
1261 then
1262 \ We ignore the parameters, whether they are present or not,
1263 \ because we got all the information from the OID.
1264 skip-close-elt
1266 \ signature value
1267 read-bits-open
1268 dup CX 0 8191 { BR_X509_BUFSIZE_SIG } > if
1270 then
1271 dup addr-cert_sig_len set16
1272 addr-cert_sig read-blob
1274 \ Close the outer SEQUENCE.
1275 close-elt
1277 \ Close the advertised total certificate length. This checks that
1278 \ there is no trailing garbage after the certificate.
1279 close-elt
1281 \ Flag the certificate as fully processed.
1282 0 addr-cert_length set32
1284 \ Check whether the issuer for the current certificate is known
1285 \ as a trusted CA; in which case, verify the signature.
1286 check-trust-anchor-CA ;
1288 : main
1289 -1 decode-certificate
1290 co
1291 begin
1292 0 decode-certificate co
1293 again
1294 ;